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Principles and Contacts

We appreciate your interest in our website. Below is detailed information on how we handle your data.

Germany Trade & Invest GmbH is the sole operator of the sites + and are liable in terms of the General Data Protection Regulation Law (GDPR). You can contact our data protection officer via mail or via our postal address including the subject line “data protection.” Our contact details can be found here.

Data exchange between your browser and our server when visiting our website

When using our website solely for informational purposes, if you do not register or otherwise provide us with information, we only collect personal data your browser transmits to our server.

This means data that is technically necessary for the display, stability and security of our website (Legal Basis Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR):

  • IP address
  • Date and time of the request
  • Content of the request (concrete page)
  • Website from which the request comes
  • Browser
  • Operating system and its interface
  • Language and version of the browser software.

Your IP address serves as a response address for our server, which displays our website according to the above-mentioned data in your browser. This data cannot be assigned to specific people. We will not merge this data with other data sources. Your personal data, which you enter during the use of our service, will not be combined with the data listed here. Complete storage of your IP address is only necessary where required for the traceability of technical errors and cyber-attacks. The IP address is promptly deleted afterwards.

Collection of anonymous data for statistical purposes

This website uses "Mapp Analytics", a product of Mapp GmbH, to collect statistical information about the use of this website and to make the use of our website more user-friendly, effective and secure.

Our service provider Mapp GmbH was carefully selected and commissioned by us, is bound by our instructions and is regularly inspected.

You can find out more about our service provider here.

“Mapp Analytics" is a statistical program that records the use of our website anonymously with the aid of one pixel on each page and the use of cookies. The pixel is a small image file at the end of each page of our website, which transmits the following information transmitted by your browser to the Mapp GmbH server:

  • Request (file name of the requested file)
    Browser Type / Version (Ex .: Internet Explorer 6.0)
  • Browser language (eg German)
  • Operating system (ex .: Windows XP)
  • Internal resolution of the browser window
  • Screen resolution
  • Javascript activation
  • Java On / Off
  • Cookies On / Off
  • Color depth
  • Referrer URL (the previously visited page)
  • Shortened IP address for geographical recognition (city, region, country)
  • Time of access
  • Clicks
  • Possible order values
  • Possible form content (for free-text fields, such as name and password, only “filled in" or "not filled out " will be recorded)

All evaluations are anonymous. For this purpose, the IP address is anonymized immediately after transfer to the track server of Mapp and before its storage and further evaluation. A relation of the data to any certain person is no longer possible.

Data retrieved through the pixel is not assigned to specific people. A merge of this data with other data sources will not be made. If you enter personal information on our website this information will not be combined with data obtained through the pixel.


When you visit our website, cookies are stored on your computer that make your visit more comfortable or submit data for anonymous statistical evaluation to our service provider, Mapp GmbH.

Cookies are small text files that your browser stores on your computer. They do no harm on your computer and contain no viruses.

Overview of the purpose and use of the cookies used:



Data retrieved through cookies is not assigned to specific persons. We will not merge this data with other data sources. If you enter personal data on our website it will not be combined with the data obtained via cookies.

In your browser settings, you can specify whether cookies should be set or not.

Integration of social media

We are currently linking to our sites on following social media: Twitter, Xing, LinkedIn and YouTube. When you visit our site, no personal data is transmitted to the providers of these pages initially. We are also giving you the chance to link up directly to our profiles on these social media. The individual links can be found via the corresponding logos and names. Only by clicking on the logo or the link will you reach the page of the corresponding social media provider, and only then will the social media service providers receive any data you have used during your session with our own website provider. You will then be redirected to our site at the provider. Thus through using the links, personal data will be transferred to the social media service provider and stored in the country where they are hosted.

We would like to make clear that social media services and their functions are to be used at your own responsibility. This is particularly relevant for their uses in interactive functions, such as sharing or evaluating.

Information about which data the respective social media provider processes and for what purposes they are used, as well as your rights and how to adjust your privacy settings can be found in the respective privacy statements of the social media providers:

Twitter and Twitter-Cookies
LinkedIn [German] and LinkedIn-Cookies [German]

We have no influence or control on the nature and extent of the data processed by the social media providers, the nature of the processing and use or the disclosure of this data to third parties.

Collection of personal data beyond informational use of the website

We may collect and store your personal information that you provide us with, when registering with IXPOS, signing up for a newsletter or submitting an inquiry, providing us with your contacts. The personal data we may retain include name, address, position and email address.

We may use your personal data for the following purposes:

  • To create and manage your personal account at IXPOS, if you have registered for an account (acc. Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR);
  • To send Information about our events, new publications or webinars or surveys or feedback questionnaires provided that you have given consent to receive such information (Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR);
  • To send newsletters if you have subscribed such a newsletter (Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR).

In part, we use external service providers to process your data. These have been carefully selected and commissioned by us, are bound by our instructions and are regularly inspected.

We do not share your information with other than the above mentioned parties unless required by law. We store your data as long as we need it for the provision of our services. Data that is no longer required will be deleted.

Data Security

We use encryption technology for all transmissions of personal information/data to ensure the highest possible levels of confidentiality. Your personal data is encrypted using an SSL internet connection. We have implemented technical and organizational precautions in order to safeguard our website and other systems against losses, destruction, access, alteration, and distribution of your data by unauthorized parties. You can only access your customer account by entering your personal access information (user ID and password). You should always treat your access data confidentially and close the browser window once you have completed your communication with us, particularly if you share your computer with others.

Your Rights

You have the right to request information about the personal data we hold on you at any time. If your data is incorrect or incomplete, you can ask to have the information corrected or removed. You can change your personal information in your IXPOS account.

We cannot delete your data when the maintenance of records over a specific period of time is legally required or when other legal requirements exist.

For data processing that is in our interest, you have the right to object to this processing.

You have the right to object the processing of your data if it is based solely on our interest. The objection must be substantiated.

You can withdraw your consent for the use of your data for marketing purposes at any time by sending an email to Upon receipt of your revocation, we will immediately stop sending any further information.

For information, correction, deletion and objection requests please contact

If you believe that, through collection, processing, or use of your personal information, your data protection rights have been infringed upon by Germany Trade & Invest, you can lodge a complaint with the relevant authorities:

Berliner Beauftragte für den Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit
Friedrichstr. 219
10969 Berlin
Telefon: 030-13889-0